Hair transplant is very crucial and critical procedure, in
which a surgeon should concentrate on each and every single detail of
transplantation surgery. Some time, special cases need extra care and focus.
Some major factors involve for these large mega session like if the patient’s
scalp is the looser or not. If the patient has higher chances of growing hair
follicular units per square centimeter on the scalp so, in that case, a surgeon
arranges a large mega session of hair transplant surgery. Because this
particular type of surgery only depends on the higher chances of growing rate
of follicular units. Hair texture is also very important in determining the
need of a large mega session of hair transplant session.
The type of hair texture decides how many follicular grafts
the patient’s require. If the patient is having thick and uncouth hair then,
the patient does not need so many hair grafts harvests on the scalp than a thin
hair scalp needs. One normal session is enough for a coarse hair, but, on the
other hand thin hair needs special large mega session of hair transplant in
which the surgeon harvest as many follicular units as he can. This will give
the better and faster outcome for thin hair patients and they also have
desirable thick growth of hair after hair transplantation surgery. But the
patient should be more careful and alert after this mega session because it
gives your scalp more pain and stress.